Vmware Freeze

Vmware Freeze Occasionally
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Host OSWin11
Guest OSKubuntu 22.04
vmwarevmware workstation pro 17.5

Every once in a while, my guest os went into a strange freezed state, where I could move the mouse, but the guest os just didn’t response. I used to monitor those logs under /var/log, and system resource usage with top command, but nothing was found, until I saw the following line in vmware.log.

12024-03-06T16:33:01.365Z In(05) mks VMMouse: Dropping move received while input queue was full

This line was the last in the file, so it’s easy to find. Input was dropped, this explains everything.


I searched this error and found a post which was written many years ago in vmware community. Here is the solution:


  1. config.ini’s location may vary according to the os, please google it yourself
  2. config.ini may could not be saved due to permission issue, please save it to desktop and drag it to destination。
  3. vmx file is very important and you should backup it before making any changes to it。
  1. Add following two lines to C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini
    1prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = "TRUE"
    2prefvmx.minVmMemPct = "100"

If you’re experiencing some keyboard issues, like typing ‘characterrrrrrrrr’, you might also need following two lines(not tested):

1mks.disableTypematic = "TRUE"
2mks.disableRemoteClientTypematic = "TRUE"
  1. Add following two lines to xxxx.vmx(located in the guest os root directory,please replace xxxx.vmx with the right name)
    1sched.mem.pshare.enable = "FALSE"
    2mainMem.useNamedFile = "FALSE"
    3MemTrimRate = "0"
    4MemAllowAutoScaleDown = "FALSE"
  2. If the problem still exists, you might need to downgrade to 17.0.2 version of vmware workstation pro, and this line in vmx needs to be changed:
    1virtualHW.version = "20"

I have no idea what those configurations are for but the problem never arises again. Amazing, right?
