Webview2 Tauri bypass CORS

Tauri bypass Cors
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Webview2 Tauri bypass CORS


When you use javascript at foo.com to access bar.com/api, you may encounter an error like the one below (but you are able to access it using curl):

1Access to fetch at 'bar.com/api' 
2from origin 'foo.com' has been blocked by CORS policy: 
3No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. 
4If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.

First you need to understand a few concepts:

  1. What is CORS


  2. What are CORS preflighted requests and why using fetch etc. in js triggers CORS checking? And what is an OPTION request?


  3. What are simple requests and why will they not trigger preflighted requests?


  4. Why does setting Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * in your request header not work? Access-Control-Allow-Origin is a response header, not request header.


How to fix this in Tauri

You can call rust in js to send the request. But I recommend you to use the official solution @tauri-apps/plugin-http:

  1. Install dependencies

    1pnpm add @tauri-apps/plugin-http

    add tauri-plugin-http to Cargo.toml.

    2tauri-plugin-http = "2.0.0-rc"


  2. Enable the appropriate permissions in capabilities\default.json

    1"permissions": [
    2  "http:allow-fetch",
    3  "http:default",
    4  {
    5    "identifier": "http:default",
    6    "allow": [{ "url": "https://**" }]
    7  }
  3. Register this plugin in lib.rs::run

    1    tauri::Builder::default()
    2        .setup(|app| {
    3           ... // omit 
    4        })
    5        .plugin(tauri_plugin_shell::init()) // another plugin
    6        .plugin(tauri_plugin_http::init())  // the plugin we need


  4. Called it (in typescript, for example)

    1import {fetch} from "@tauri-apps/plugin-http";
    2/// fetch(...)